SPL Associate Token Account & MergeIn the Ethereum world, we only need an Eth address, you can use this address to receive ETH and all kinds of ERC-20 tokens.Apr 17, 20211Apr 17, 20211
Solana Development Tutorial: Things you should know before structuring your codeIf you have some programming experience with other chains like ETH and EOS, etc. You may get confused when things behave not as you…Jan 8, 20212Jan 8, 20212
Solana智能合约开发:SDK的陷阱如果你有其他链的开发经验,比如ETH、EOS等。那么在使用Solana的SDK来进行开发的时候,很可能 会被一些与通常行为不一致的表现带到陷阱里面去。这里列举了一些注意点。Dec 31, 20201Dec 31, 20201
Solana智能合约开发:调试程序前面Solana智能合约开发:HelloWorld 合约 我们的合约写好了,也可以正常编译了,那么怎么确定我们的合约能正常工作呢?Dec 30, 20201Dec 30, 20201
Solana智能合约开发:HelloWorld 合约要进行Solana的合约开发,这里假设你已经按照前面文章的介绍,搭建好了Solana 1.4.x的 开发环境(安装好了rust和solana1.4.x命令行工具)。然后我们来看一个HelloWorld的合约…Dec 29, 20202Dec 29, 20202
Solana Development Tutorial: Key ConceptsThere is a lot of terms and explanations in Solana developer docs, but we do not need to know them all to start development. Solana smart…Dec 16, 20201Dec 16, 20201
Solana智能合约开发:HelloWorld 合约基本概念在Solana的开发文档中 有列出一系列的基本概念,但是对于合约开发,我们只要知道其中的一部分就可以了。Solana的合约程序也被 叫做“on-chain program” 链上程序。和EOS使用WebAssembly runtime不同的是,EOS的合约是被编译成…Dec 5, 20201Dec 5, 20201
Solana Development Tutorial: Environment setupSolana smart contact is also called onchain program, its executable is an BPF file of ELF format, BPF is compiled from C, Rust or other…Nov 24, 20201Nov 24, 20201
Solana智能合约开发:开发工具链Solana的智能合约叫做”Onchain Program”,其可执行文件是一个ELF 文件格式的BPF 文件,这里的BPF 是由C或者Rust或者其他可以编译出BPF格式的高级语言编译生成的目标文件。当前Solana提供了Rust和…Nov 18, 20201Nov 18, 20201